How Old Is William Shatner in 2021? He Called His Age 'Disgusting'


'Star Trek' star William Shatner is about to be the oldest man who's ever gone to space. So, what is William Shatner's age in 2021? Here's what we know -- and what he actually thinks about getting older.

Published on October 4, 2021

2 min read

Many know William Shatner as Captain Kirk — and it seems he’s fulfilling his space dreams by flying into space himself. Shatner made a splash in Star Trek way back in the ’60s, and he reprised his role in the early ’70s, as fans couldn’t get enough of the character. So, how old is William Shatner in 2021 now that he’s preparing for real-life space travel? Here’s what we know about William Shatner’s age.

William Shatner’s space flight is happening in October 2021

William Shatner’s age won’t stop him from going to space. According to AP News, Shatner is headed to space via Jeff Bezos’ space travel company, Blue Origin, on Oct. 12, 2021.

“Yes, it’s true; I’m going to be a ‘rocket man!’” Shatner tweeted. “It’s never too late to experience new things.”

So, how did Shatner get the invite? It seems Bezos loves Shatner’s role in Star Trek and became a huge fan of the actor thanks to Captain Kirk. Three others will join Shatner’s flight into space, and the flight will reportedly last about 10 minutes and go no higher than 66 miles into the air.

Blue Origin’s first flight took place on July 20, so this flight marks the second. “I’ve heard about space for a long time now,” Shatner added in a statement, “I’m taking the opportunity to see it for myself. What a miracle.”

What is William Shatner’s age in 2021? He called it ‘disgusting’

William Shatner’s age makes him the oldest person to ever head into space. So, how old is William Shatner in 2021? And what does he think about aging now?

Shatner was born on March 22, 1931, making him 90 years old in 2021. When he played Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek when it began in 1966, he was around 35 years old. Then, in the ’80s, Celebrity Net Worth notes Shatner reprised his role in a number of Star Trek films. He was in his 50s at the time, and fans couldn’t get enough.

So, how does Shatner feel about getting older? He called turning 90 “disgusting.”

“It’s disgusting,” he said during an interview with CBC Radio Q. “It’s a disgusting number. I mean, I don’t like 90. When I heard that 90 was coming up, I thought, ‘What the heck is that?’ I remember 90 way back when I was in Canada and I thought, ’90! People don’t live till 90.’ And here I am.”

It seems Shatner also fears death. “A scary day is dying,” he added. “The mystery of loneliness now comes in. The mystery — what’s going to happen? That’s scary.”

Has William Shatner ever had plastic surgery? He says he hasn’t

How does William Shatner look so young? Many fans wonder if the Star Trek star has had plastic surgery before. But he swears he hasn’t had any cosmetic surgery. Instead, he credits his youthful glow to fantastic genetics.

“Well, I don’t have any secret potions,” he told The Guardian. “It must be genetic. I ride a lot of horses and I’m into the bewilderment of the world, so I open my heart and head into the curiosity of how things work.” Shatner also called his horse-riding style “very athletic and cowboyish,” which helps him stay young.

William Shatner’s age is certainly higher than it looks — but we’re excited for him to see space at 90 and report back.

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