Pokemon Journeys' World Coronation leak reveals outcome of Ash vs Leon match

The World Coronation event in Pokemon Journeys saw Ash face off against the undefeated Champion Leon (who first appeared in the Sword & Shield games) - but did he emerge vitorious, or is another season of character building to follow?

Ever since its inception, the Pokemon anime series has been about the beloved trainer Ash's journey to become a Pokemon Master. Following in the footsteps of the video game releases, this has seen him and his iconic Pikachu visit several different regions and emerge victorious against the challenges residing there.

Fans had been eagerly awaiting to see if the road would ever take him closer to becoming a Master, but to no avail. We have now received an answer thanks to a recent leak from the Pokemon Journeys anime.

Pokemon Journeys gives fans a satisfying boost to Ash's memorable journey

This final showdown is featured in Episode 132 of Pokemon Journeys as Ash takes on Leon. With the latter's Charizard and Cinderace, the former faces a fierce battle.

To fans' relief and honestly no one's surprise, the young fan-favorite trainer, and one of the most popular faces in the Pokemon universe, is declared the winner of the Masters Championship.

After a whopping 25 years, Ash has finally accomplished his dream of becoming the Master, and does so with flying colors. One of the shots even shows the trophy resting proudly on his shelf.

What does this mean for Ash?

The youngster has traveled to many lands, met many new faces, foes, and of course the powerful critters that dot these regions. From humble and adorable creatures to powerful legendary beasts that are so rarely seen that they have become a whisper on the wind, Ash has caught them all. This finale also wraps up Journeys with a bang.

So what does this mean for Ash? The hero has been the face of the series as far as anime renditions go, and since he is the Master, fans wonder if that would make him retire from his adventures and exploration. Or perhaps a new character will take his place? Maybe one we have seen before as part of Ash's gang?

It remains to be seen what direction the anime will take. It is likely we will not see it end given the mainline game series is still alive and kicking.

The Scarlet & Violet games will introduce the region of Paldea to new and old players, which means a brand new area to explore. Whatever the case, the future of the franchise looks bright despite this bittersweet conclusion.

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